Photography and the visual arts have always been a major part of my life. As a youngster I was fascinated with the photographs in Life, Look and The Saturday Evening Post. Of course, all three are long gone (the knowledge that I read these magazines certainly dates me!) but the impact they had on my visual senses had a lasting influence in my eventual career direction. In college I plodded through a series of courses and majors but not until second semester senior year and a need of a final few credits to graduate I signed up for a basic photo class. With camera in hand and remembering all the images from years of studying those glossy magazines, I realized creating images through photography was the career path I wanted to pursue.
I graduated and returned home to the Chicago area and within three short months landed an amazing job at an international magazine headquartered on Michigan Ave. By happenstance I was at the right place at the right time with the proper skills and ambition and entered into a world of high energy creative professionalism leading me on an adventure of almost forty years. I was fortunate to travel the world, work with gifted photographers, designers and artists and an amazing array of celebrities while representing a media empire known in every corner of the globe. It was truly a ride of a lifetime.
Today things have slowed a bit. I no longer travel as much, Covid can take some of the blame and the subjects I photograph almost never appear on tv or the movies or the cover of People. But my small store front studio in the Ravinia District of Highland Park, IL keeps me busy and happy and challenged creatively each day as I have been for the past ten years photographing the most charming families, impressive corporate execs and wide eyed children.